This night I'll enjoy the films and some red wine in the candle light. I'm looking forward tomorrow when I'll go to see burlesque for the very first time and perhaps I'll celebrate my soon coming birthday at the same. I wish you all have a wonderful Halloween and I wait for seeing your costume post!
perjantai 31. lokakuuta 2014
tiistai 28. lokakuuta 2014
Last Saturday I pre-celebrated Halloween by going to Club Bella Morte which was arranged in Tampere. I didn't dress in a fancy dress because I wasn't able to find time to plan it after coming Finland. Instead I put on my very old striped dress which was my favorite dress a long time ago. I need to comment that some people had really nice outfits and they really had seen time with them.
Last Friday night I finally watched the film named Frankenweenie. I've been about to watch it for long, but somehow I've always moved it forward. The film is black and white like the pictures tell and it's the feature-length version of a short which Burton made early in his career. Typically it's dark toned animation which tells about a boy and his dog which accidentally die in car crash. The determined young boy decides to bring the dog back to live with a way he learns in a school. Have you seen the film? Did you like it or not?

keskiviikko 22. lokakuuta 2014
Her cold blue lips whispered
It was a freezing morning today, but in spite of that I decided to take pictures of my outfit outdoors. I just hope I don't get a flu. It feels that every other person is ill and I coughed my lungs out also yesterday, but not anymore today.
Having been a few days in Finland I could already fly back to somewhere. I guess that Germany is my next target for I have ever been there before although I've been into that since high school. I try to save my travelling budget desperately and keep a shopping strike (well at least I didn't buy anything from Spain).
tiistai 21. lokakuuta 2014
maanantai 13. lokakuuta 2014
A goth in the sun
Hello darklings and other souls! I arrived at the Spain yesterday to spend a vacation. Seven days here again and back to Finland the next Sunday. Yesterday we came here pretty early, but I was so tired that I went to the bed at 7pm local time (haha, but I was been up so many hours with the same eyes so it was just understandable and in Finland the time was already 9pm.) Our plane left at 7am from Helsinki and the flight took over six hours. I took my laptop so that I was able to watch movies on the plain (it was a good idea, the flight was over faster) We did have some problems here after arriving like they gave us wrong room's key at the first, but I noticed it quickly. Then we found our room and a toilet didn't work :D Of course I had to run to the reception to whine about that. Fortunately two guys came to fix it soon. Today it was a bit difficult to find breakfast place because this hotel is huuuuge, but no other troubles so far. Otherwise this hotel seems to be fine. Our apartment is good, nice balcony and a view to the ocean.
day's outfit
A view from our front door
A view from our balcony.
The weather is good here, about +24 degrees. Last night it was cloudy, but it didn't rain though. I already visited swimming in the sea. It seems to be fairly big waves on our beach and water is salty. The week probably will include a lot of swimming and drinking cold beer. Pretty typical tourist holiday to Finns.
torstai 9. lokakuuta 2014
Velvet dream
I realized that I haven't introduced here my projects just at all recently so here comes the newest one. Long velvet dream. I've dreamed of this for ages (over ten years to be honest) and now I got inspiration to sew it. A huge hem, a huge hood and hooks on the front and of course I wanted to get also the lacing to the back. At first I was about to use d-rings, but I changed my mind and I decided to use the same ribbon as I used on the pockets. Material is the normal cotton velvet. This goes well now when the weather gets colder a day by day. I'll take better pictures later outdoors when the coat is on me. Now it has been so tempestuous weather that I didn't want to go out with it.
I have several ideas on my mind right now and I can't wait to get to make them true, but now it's a time to pack my suitcase once again and take a small vacation.
sunnuntai 5. lokakuuta 2014
The world changes its color
A busy week behind me and busy seems to be also coming. This morning the sun light was so pretty that I decided to make a walk with my camera. The blaze of color disappears every autumn so quickly so need to act now or it's gone. I managed to take over 700 pictures today... oops I got a small inspiration.
My day's outfit
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