I ended up ordering a new lens for my camera and for the last few days have gone by photographing around the corners. Sigma 35 mm f 1.4 art moved into a camera bag and it asks a bit practicing to shake it down. It's excellent if taking pictures about the people and tomorrow my beloved promised to be a model for me. I feel a bit destitute because the lens wasn't the cheapest one, but I hope it's worth it! Here are some pictures which I have taken for the past days. (not all taken with sigma)
Upeita kuvia! ^^
VastaaPoistaKiitos <3
PoistaOh my! ♡ Voi että tulee upeita photoja! Sulla on kans tosi hyvä silmä kaikkeen sellaiseen synkeän tunnelmaiseen vibaan..tykkään! *___*
VastaaPoista~ Frillycakes ~
Kiitos :)