lauantai 11. maaliskuuta 2017

Nothing stays the same

I'm spending Saturday evening at home on my own by listening to great deep songs which make shivers go inside. I feel so good due to a new record I did today at the gym. I started running on a treadmill last year to improve the condition and recently I've had small problems with stamina so I decided to keep a break and today I just flew. It felt awesome to run without that the heart tries to come through the chest. To be honest I had a really bad physical fitness before (or at least I think so). I was digging a grave to myself after running 500 meters and now I can run even kilometers. It's funny how quickly results can get better and it also motivates. I started training because I just felt that my body needs it and it needed. In addition I feel so much better mentally, that's a nice side effect!

A few photos I took the other day when it was a vernal weather. The cloak is so my favorite and I do like also those over knee boots which I have worn so rarely that I can't understand why. I forgot them to live their own life under the dust. 
Cloak: Self made, Shoes and scarf: H&M
After the dark season I enjoy the longer days and the sun light. Before I didn't care it, but now it feels good and it's nice to have the sun light even after the work days. 

6 kommenttia:

  1. Viitta on kyllä aivan ihana! Hittolainen, kun on niin paljon asioita ompelulistalla ja lisää tulee..!

    1. Harkitsin jo tekeväni toisen, erilaisesta matskusta, mutta ehkä tämä yksi riittää, sen verran paljon näitä päällysvaatteita ;D

  2. I share your sentiments I'm enjoying the longer days and more sunshine.

    1. This is really nice, feels so awesome after all darkness tough I love darkness too :D

  3. Oi, ihana viitta!
    Valon lisääntyminen on muuten ihan kivaa, mutta mun silmät ei oikein siedä sitä, varsinkaan kun katu- ja siitepöly tekee niistä jo valmiiksi arat.

    1. Kiitos :) Ymmärrän, itsellä silmät kärsii talvella jos on lunta ja aurinko paistaa kirkkaana, mutta sellaista ei ole tapahtunut viime aikoina :D
