The second day offered also new experiences and was fairly interesting despite of a rainy weather which tried to tease us on the evening. After opening eyes we headed for doing those necessary purchases which meant for me buying of cheap hair dyes and some other cosmetics. Seriously a package of hair dye cost under two euros when in Finland it takes at least five or six times more. As a whole I didn't shop much this year. Just a pair of shorts from Agra and earrings and that's all.
On the second day I wore the same dress as I wore a year ago. It's from Queen of Darkness and it's sweet as hell. A collar is self made and new. I made it a few days before the trip. It has been haunting on the mind for a few years and finally I decided to carry out. Again I fretted that I forgot the boots because they would have fit perfectly with this outfit too.
Dress: Queen of Darkness, Shoes: Vagabond, Collar: Diy, Bag: Flea market, Harness: Diy, Headpiece: WGT
On the evening it was raining heavily and also the thunder rumbled over Leipzig. We were watching through a window desperately that does it stop raining or not. Our room was located on 15th floor so we had a good view over Leipzig and now it offered us a dark sky. However with an umbrella we ran to a tram and headed to listening to Hobbit music to this amazing crypt. Again a new venue and this was worth seeing. A picture doesn't tell the truth how massive building it is. After the crypt we took the tram again and went Agra for the first time this year to watch VNV Nation which I hadn't seen before. There would have been also fetish parties, but the band won our attention purely.
Harmi tuota säätä. Asu kuitenkin on jumalainen! En oo ikinä ennen nähny tommotteen kauluksen sopivan noin hyvin kellekkään näyttämättä edes vähän tyhmältä. :) Tossa ei kuitenkaan oo mitään tyhmää ja näyttää aivan upeelta sulla.
VastaaPoistaOnneksi tänä vuonna kuitenkin oli lämmin sateesta huolimatta, viime vuonna sai jäätyä eikä kuitenkaan koko aikaa satanut.
PoistaKai se jonkun silmään voi tyhmältä näyttää, omasta mielestäni nämä ovat hienoja, wgt:ssä niitä paljon näkee :D Kiitos!
Perfect! I loved your dress... someday I'll go on this WGF.
VastaaPoistaHugs from Brazil <3
Thanks! I recommend to go there ;D
PoistaI'm from Norway, so I always buy beauty products while there too xD
VastaaPoistaYou looked great!
Didn't go to the cemetery this year, cause I figured it would be flooded (same with Heidnisches Dorf).
Miten tuo kaulus on tehty? Rigilenellä vai? Olisi kiinnostavaa lukea ihan postaus siitä.
VastaaPoistaJep ihan vain rigilenellä, hyvin simppeli tehdä. Kaavoitin puolikellon hameenkaavaa hyödyntäen ja laitoin kuminauhan reunasta toiseen jonka avulla se pysyy paikoillaan