sunnuntai 29. heinäkuuta 2018

Blood moon

This infernal heat wave has driven me to dwell on the beach and has not made it at all easier to revive blogging. But I don't want to complain. I've been actually fairly happy with the heat and the whole summer. Once it is the decent summer in Finland although it's not swell that the nature suffers from a lack of water and a drought will cause different troubles that we are not used to.

My vacation is over and I returned back to work on last Monday. A week wasn't that bad as I assumed, but still I have a slight lack of motivation. Perhaps I yearn new challenges (again) or something totally new, but so far I will keep up going on this old path. (To be honest I miss the freedom and that I could be something else than a slave of eight to four. But because I want to earn my own money, the work is quite much inevitable.) 
I went to capture moon pictures on Friday evening as did so many else around these corners. For the first the moon was hiding behind the clouds, but after waiting for two hours it finally popped out. I managed to take the several nice shots although the quality could be better, but that would require better lens. But at least the picture is real one. (I have seen so many fake pictures during a few days and  I do wonder how people can be so damn stupid while believing they are real!) Did you manage to snap the picture of the moon? 
 I have not been taking many outfit pictures recently and mostly because of this heat. I have worn the same clothes all the time and I have not put much effort on the look. Somehow I feel uncomfy to use much make-up in this sweaty weather. And yes I have spent so much time on the beach in my bikinis that there is not much sense to photograph (very ungoth I know ;>).
Are you already waiting for the autumn? Or do you enjoy the summer and its heat?

9 kommenttia:

  1. Harmittaa, kun missaan aina jotenkin kaikki jännät astronomiset ilmiöt. Tämänkin tajusin vasta kun someen alkoi ilmestyä postauksia ja kuvia :D

    1. No kuu ei edes näkynyt läheskään kaikkialla ja ei ollut todellakaan niin mahtipontinen mitä mediassa hehkutettiin :D

  2. Itselle tämä helle on ihan sietämätöntä. Eläimetkin kärsivät ja luonto suorastaan huutaa vettä ja suojaa auringolta. En malta odottaa syksyä, josta onkin vuosien saatossa tullut lempivuodenaikani. Ainoastaan tulee ikävä valoa, sen puuttuminen kun hankaloittaa valokuvaamista. Ihankia kuvia!

    x Lilly
    IG: @TheLillyPierce

    1. Monelle varmasti on ollut tukalaa. Itse tunnen olevani aika sopeutuvaa sorttia ja jo tottunut tähän.

  3. Joo, se oli aika minikuu ja näkyi Stadissakin kokonaan ehkä minuutin verran :D kannatti melkein vaeltaa Kaivopuistoon saakka kuvauskaluston kanssa... Upea kyllä tuo sinun kuva, onneksi niitä saa ihastella muilta!

    1. täällä sentään näkyi ihan kunnolla, kunhan tuli esille :)

  4. In Australia we're coming into Spring at the moment, and I'm so happy about it!

  5. I do enjoy summer, sun and heat. Though even with the heat waves my body hasn't been getting enough sun, and I had to start light treatment again last week! Also since summer is festival season, I have one more festival to go to: Prague Gothic Treffen! Haven't been there before, so I'm really excited :D

  6. Eipä se tosiaan kovin hyvin näkynyt, mutta kannatti odottaa - kuu oli aika komea kun lipui esiin varjostaan! Syksy on lempivuodenaikani, sitä odotellessa :)
