perjantai 23. marraskuuta 2018

I buy nothing day

When rest of the world is having so called Black Friday I have spent I buy nothing day in silence and this has been so easy to me. The more I see those annoying ads everywhere the less I'm interested in participating in this insane consumption jubilee. To be honest right now there is nothing I would  need to have desperately. Of course I would like to have a new tele lens to my camera which would support my dear hobby, but that's almost all. I guess I don't need to rationalize why I'm not so into Black Friday. I try to respect the nature and do some small ecological choices in my daily life. This doesn't mean that I'm a pure saint who never do harmful acts, but at least I try to avoid them in some level. It's been joyful to see that I'm not alone with my thoughts. There seems to be a lot of people whose thoughts are flying in the same orbit. Instead of material, I prefer more adventures. Now I'm dreaming of having a journey to Lapland after the years and it's a lot of possible that this dream comes true in winter vacation. 
 And then one outfit which I worn some weeks ago, but I've been too exhausted to open blogger after the days. Again that old asymmetrical skirt, which I wear quite often because it's comfy and looks nice. 
Nothing special has happened recently. Days are really similar with each others, sometimes even too similar. Perhaps I would need some change in my life, but I'm not 100% sure of what kind of change. All in all I'm quite happy, but somehow I would like to take the next step in the life. 

Ps. Where the fuck is the snow? 

3 kommenttia:

  1. Hieno tunnelma noissa kuvissa ja hyvää pohdintaa Black fridaysta. Tein itse tänään varmaan elämäni ensimmäisen Black friday -ostokseni ihan vahingossa. Teepolulta piti tilata jo viikko sitten, mutta kiireiden takia tilauksen tekeminen venyi tänne asti. Mutta siis ylipäätään Black friday aiheuttaa mulla negaatioita kun tietää että moni ostaa kasoittain rompetta jota ei välttämättä tarvitse.

    1. Nimenomaan, voihan sitä ostaa, jos tulee oikeasti tarpeeseen, mutta sellainen turhan roinan ostaminen on vain ihan järjetöntä.

  2. Please never stop blogging. Your words, no matter how simple, are very comforting to read and your photos are just lovely.
