sunnuntai 11. marraskuuta 2018

I go to dark

A classic outfit post at this time. I've gone in really simple and ordinary clothes recently so there has not been much to photograph. In the morning while drifting to the work, I just want to put something warm on and because we have work uniforms there is no need to dress so fancy (which is quite boring from my view who would like to get dressed rather in own clothes)
This asymmetrical skirt is one of my favorite skirt and that's why it ends up on quite often. It's easy to change the look by wearing the different bodice, but most often I wear black shirt. 
To be honest I wear that much the same clothes all the time that I could get rid of a big amount of the clothes. There is a plenty of garments which rarely end up being worn, but so far I haven't had a heart to put them on sale. It would be so much easier if the wardrobe is filled with the garments that I like to wear regularly. Perhaps I try to arrange that thing at some point and carry some items to the flea market. 

Weekend again and I have spent my hours with the camera and listening to King dude's new album which is bewitching. Definitely magnificent work and I regret that I didn't went to see him when he visited my city. I've also listened to audio book in german and I'm surprised how much I'm able to understand though there has been  a long break. Just got a tiny inspiration and it would be nice to revive the german skills again.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Epäsymmetriset hameet on täälläkin suosikkeja! Ja siis mullakin on suhteellisen pieni käyttövaatekaappi, koska mun kaikki lolitamekot ja pyrstöt vie niin paljon tilaa :D Se ei kyllä ole yhtään huono asia, parempi käyttää vaatteet loppuun asti. Oon huomannut että mun kannattaa tehdä/ostaa enemmän niitä perusmustia vaatteita, koska saan niiden avulla paljon enemmän irti vaatekaapistani. Vaikka se nyt tylsältä tuntuisikin.

    1. Mulla on jäänyt erikoisempien vaatteiden käyttö erittäin vähälle. Töissä kun vain käy ja salilla, niin eipä sitä tarvitse kovin kummoista arsenaalia, että pärjää :P Välillä toisin on kiva vähän panostaa.
