tiistai 9. huhtikuuta 2013

Pretty girls make graves

 Bolero: Diy
Dress: Diy
Hairband: From London
Shoes: NewLook
Earrings: Seppälä
Tights: Seppälä
The ground was so soft that my heels sank there.

Today I have sewn (what a surprise) and also visited running. Should start increasing fitness again when it feels, the winter has destroyed it. I have also dreamed of having a dog. The dog fever hit me every now and then and actually some years ago before I started my studies I promised to myself that after graduation I will get my own puppy. But I think it's not a right moment yet because the future is still a big question. Unfortunately the most landlords don't seem to be animal friendly either. 

10 kommenttia:

  1. Hei! Pakko kysyä että tiedätkö: taipuuko korsetin metalliluut, eli jos korsetissa pitäisi olla metalliluut niin kuuluuko niiden taipua? Eli jos taipuu, niin onko silloin kyseessä muoviluut? :P

    1. Kyllä taipuu ja mettallisissa luissa on se ilo, että ne palautuu aina takaisin muotoonsa.

  2. really love that dress... you are looking so gorgeous! Great DIY-work <3

  3. Olet kuin nukke. :) Niin kaunis! Ja mekko on aivan unelma. <3
