I don't know how I get to walk with these beauty? Today I had time to try these properly outdoors and how difficult it was to take a step forward. I think I have never had as high heels as these are. They are comfy but there isn't any touch with the ground while walking these. The posture of foot isn't bad at all. Maybe this was just a wrong day to try these because my legs are really painful due to moving which was yesterday. Legs almost went to the cramp when we carried my goods from the second floor out of the house. Now my property is stored in a van and waits for transferring to Tampere.
Yesterday I said goodbye to Savonlinna. I spent four years from my life there and I need to say the time disappeared really quickly. I enjoyed these years really much but it's time to turn a new page in my life now.
Miulla oli kans aluksi vaikea kävellä cambelin kengillä. Muutamat ensimmäiset kerrat olivat vaikeita, nyt pikkuhiljaa alkanut sujumaan.
VastaaPoistaHyvä tietää! Vaikka jalan asento ei olekkaan paha ja kengät eivät purista, niin se horjuminen tekee kävelystä epävarmaa. Kyllä ajattelinkin, että näillä oppii kun vaan ahkerasti kävelee. On mulla ollut joskus vaikeuksia kävellä 6cm koroillakin, mutta nykyään ei enää mitään ongelmia :)
PoistaNämä kengät on sitäpaitsi aivan liian kalliit säilytettäväksi koristeena :D