lauantai 17. elokuuta 2013

'All religions of a spiritual nature are inventions of man. He has created an entire system of gods with nothing more than his carnal brain'

These satanic long johns, the way how I nominated them, appeared into my wardrobe already some time ago and they actually flashed here on the blog a few post ago. I fell in love with them immediately when I saw them for the first time. They were sold out for a long time and when they finally came for sale again it felt that everyone had decided to get these. I decided to be without buying them until I fell. They fits my style and 'cause I've been interested in  satanic philosophy since I was a teen (I don't worship the Satan or overturn the grave monuments, don't get me wrong like some people sometimes do) so they are also suitable for other reason.

These are from Actual Pain if someone didn't know. They also have some other interesting products which I've been watching. Need to save some coins maybe I'll place an order later again. 

By the way this is the hundredth post of this year. I've been fairly diligent blogger. ^^ 

12 kommenttia:

  1. actual painin vaatteet on rakkautta.

    1. Joo niillä on kyllä kivoja juttuja :) Varmaan pitää tulevaisuudessa tilata taas sieltä jotakin :>

  2. Hienoja nämä mustavalkoiset kuvat (:

    1. Thx, tekisi mieli kuvata kaikki kuvat b/w:nä :)

  3. They look amazing, I wish I had the opportunity to get those!
    What is the most interesting part in the satanic bible in your opinion? :)

    1. I think the opus is as a whole attractive. There is many thoughts which face with my own opinions.

  4. These tights are really awesome. You combined them well!
