perjantai 10. huhtikuuta 2015

DIY Cloak

Eventually I have time to introduce you one of my sewing projects I made this winter. A cloak! I like ponchos so I decided to try how the cloak would work on. At first it was a bit weird when there is no sleeves so you can't carry a purse on a shoulder, but otherwise it's nice to wear. I guess cloaks were a part of a mainstream fashion this winter or at least I saw them on sale at many places, but Finns are too shy to try different styles so they were quite rare view on streets. What do you think of the cloaks? 

 There is also a hood, but it doesn't show on the pics. 
Cloak: Diy / Pants: Actual Pain / Shoes: H&M

I have a few more projects also done, but there seems to be so marginally time that I don't know when I have  time to photograph them.  I'd like to sew much more, but so far my works steal my spare time. It would be nice to sew a dress for a festival (wgt), but I can't decide what to do!

17 kommenttia:

  1. Siitä tuli upee, tosi näyttävä^^

  2. I'm normally not into cloaks or ponchos myself, mostly because I know they'll make me look weird (its that oddness of my legs being too long and my torso being too short). I think you look great in this cloak! You did a lovely job. :)

    1. My legs are long too, but I don't think it looks odd:) Thank you!

  3. Upea! ^__^ Suomessa tykätään pukeutua niin käytännönläheisesti ja luulen, että ajatus tuulessa hulmuavasta viitasta saattaa hämmentää useita muodin mukaan pukeutuviakin ihmisiä liikaa.

    1. Kiitos :) Niin voi olla, että monien mielestä viitta on epäkäytännöllinen.

  4. Sopii tosi upeesti sulle ja ihanat klipsujutut! ♥
    Tykkään kovin viitoista ja ponchoista, ai mitennii fantasiahöpö xD
    ..mä muuten usein kannan siellä jemmasesti alla olalla käsilaukkua tai sit laita semmosen olkalaukun ihan alle tai päälle. Ärsyttää jos laukku on tiellä :P

    ♥ Frillycakes ♥

    1. Pitääkin kokeilla piilottaa laukku sinne alle, sen verran vähän olen tätä ehtinyt käyttää etten ole hiffannut ja nyt se saakin jo mennä kesätauolle. Kiitos :)

  5. Your cloak is beautiful! I myself suffer from that notion you mentioned - I'm far too shy to try out such a striking style like that! That doesn't stop me from loving them though. :)

    1. Thank you :) I like to test everything new, they make me feel fresh :)

  6. really like your result and it suits you well! the missing bag-shoulder is what would keep me from wearing a cloak but on top of my to-sew list i have one of those wide flowing cotton capes that you were able to find everywhere in alternative 90's stores and that now seem to not being sold anywhere... :-(

  7. What a beautiful cloak, well done!
