torstai 23. heinäkuuta 2015

Her silent apathy

 I have been working with my decor projects for the recent times. Old frames have got the new contents and some furniture has changed color. Nice and cheap way to cheer up a home. I also managed to find old rococo chairs this week which were fairly cheap and in a really good condition and now I should start to fix them to more my style. A really nice project and I will return to it later. An odd decor fly has obviously found me when the mind is all the time bubbling and developing the ideas. I'm also dreaming of the row house with the three rooms and two floors, but I'm quite convinced that I won't get it :D I also would like to have a Bengal cat, but that's also something not realistic. Nothing else has happened recently except that I will quit my another job in five weeks. Not time to do it anymore when the new winds are blowing.  However here are one outfit and some pictures from my home. 

8 kommenttia:

  1. Tosi kiva idea tuo häkissä olevat kynttilät! :) Huh creepy, itsekkin olen parina viime viikkona innostunut sisustelemaan oikein urakalla. Tarkotuksena ois myös maalalilla huonekaluja :') Tosi kaunis tuo pieni hattusi myöskin!

    1. Pistäppäs postausta tulemaan omista sisustusjutuista ;) Juu se hattu on söpö :)

  2. Saako kysyä mistä löysit lintuhäkin? Oon metsästänyt tuollaista kissojen ja koirien kanssa mutta tuntuu ettei niitä oo enää missään!

    1. Tämä yksilö on anttilasta ja ostettu jo jokunen vuosi takaperin.

  3. I love your dress and your decor looks great too!

  4. The dress is so beautiful!!
    Love what you did with the candle and other furniture pieces ^^
