maanantai 9. maaliskuuta 2015

Black net jumper

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The sun shined so brightly today and the day was warmer so I decided to put something lighter on. I picked up Queen of Darkness' net blouse which is adorable trad goth garment, excellent to my taste. I've always loved net clothes and this one is not an exception. Only bad side in net clothing is that they can go to pieces easily if you are not careful enough. Cats can scratch a hole to it or you might get stuck from it. Otherwise they are lovely and splashy garments. 
 Blouse: Queen of Darkness / Necklace: Ebay / Skirt: ? / Tights: Seppälä

What's your opinion about the blouse? Yes or no?

21 kommenttia:

  1. Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!!
    You are simply amazing! The blouse is perfect and fits well. Lovely <3

  2. much yes :-) love your look!

  3. Itsellä on yksi samantapainen paita ja tosissaan kyllä täytyy olla tosi varovainen ettei langat lähde seikkailemaan. Kisu kerran sitä pöyhäisi niin kivasti kävi.:'D Mutta on tuo kyllä tosi kivaaaaa C:

  4. It looks really nice, like it :)

  5. Yes, yes, yes ... :)
    Love your look!

  6. Looks amazing but isn't it so fragile?

  7. It's a definite YES! I've deeply fallen in love with it and I'm currently searching for where to get it in Austria/Middle Europe! Does it run big/small or rather true to size?

    It's the appearance of lightweight, subtle fluffiness and absolute fragility which is drawing me to it so much.

    1. Size is true. You will find it here :)
