lauantai 21. maaliskuuta 2015

Saturday and black velvet

While watching through the window this morning I thought it's a beautiful day to go to do some photography. Well it wasn't. Awful strong and cold wind blew me nearly to fly so I decided to take just outfit pictures and come back to indoors. Just my luck. The sun has been shining a whole week and it has been a warm weather until now when I'm off. 
I do enjoyed this morning when a crazy work week (eleven days...) is over and I didn't need to wake up 4.00 am. I took a long dreams although I woke up already 8 am and enjoyed my morning coffee in all peace. No plans for the weekend so I'm rolling here and there. Perhaps I could sew something... and watch the movies..
 Coat: diy, Shoes: Vagabond
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

8 kommenttia:

  1. Oot jotenki tullu vieläkin kauniimmaksi, hienot kuvat! :)

    1. Kiitos vain, vaikka ihan samalta mielestäni näytän :) Ehkä hyvä fiilis paistaa naamasta sitten tms :)

  2. You're so pretty! *O* Love your coat!

  3. XD usually my luck, too - atm i work 9 or 10 days in a row (ok, sometimes a lot longer... meh.) so... enjoy your days off! love your coat!

  4. Oh wow rakkaus <3 toi takki on maauh<3
