perjantai 25. syyskuuta 2015

It's Friday

Hello! One week over again and I can only wonder how quickly these weeks fly. Only two weeks left and I have a vacation and can't wait for it to come. During the week I have studied psychology and pondered creative acting. Obviously week has been fairly burdensome for I fell asleep immediately after coming home today. Before the nap my beloved took these outfit pictures so thank you to my darling for these shots:

maanantai 21. syyskuuta 2015

Totentanz Store

Commercial break 

Tällä kertaa kirjoittelen suomeksi, joka tuntuu jopa himpun verran oudolta näin pitkästä aikaa. Mutta juu asiaan. Sain jokin aika takaperin yhteydenoton kotimaiselta Totentanz nimiseltä yritykseltä, joka  on vaihtoehto puekutumiseen suuntautunut verkkokauppa. Valikoimasta löytyy muun muassa viime aikana kovankin suosion saavuttaneen Killstarin  tuotteita, joita allekirjoittanutkin on useampaan otteeseen ehtinyt kuolaamaan. Ja koska koen suomalaisen yrittäjyyden tukemisen tärkeänä ajattelin vinkata kyseisestä liikkeestä myös täällä blogin puolella ja vihjaista mahdollisuudesta saada nyt 15% alennusta tilauksesta, kun tilaat tämän kuun loppuun mennessä koodilla syksy15. 

Koska sain mahdollisuuden valita jotain kivaa kaupasta, en voinut vastustaa tämän luisen neuleen vetovoimaa. Tämä on myös ihka ensimmäinen tuotteeni Killstarilta koskaan. Tämä neule tulee taatusti näkemään syksyn aikana käyttöä, on se sen verran kiva ja menee päälläni kivasti myös mekkona. Neule on muuten väljä malli eli jos haaveilet omasta ja haluat työköistuvamman tilaa pienempi koko. 

"Totentanz on pieni vaateliike joka haluaa tuoda tyylikästä mustaa kaikkien ulottuville"

Poimein muutamia lemppareita:
Verkkokauppaan pääset täältä
ja facebook sivuille täältä
Kivoja shoppailu hetkiä!

Sorry guys this time I wrote only in Finnish, but to sum up: A collaboration with Finnish alternative clothing store Totentanz. I got a new pullover and it's so cute 

lauantai 19. syyskuuta 2015

Out of the ground Into the sky

And so it happened, a flu conquered me and the last days have gone under the blanket more and less in a conscious state. I also managed to get a bronchitis which is always such an enjoyable affair. Now it looks already a bit better. I can talk a bit and a voice runs somehow. Only annoying thing is that this is my only weekend when I'm off in this month so it really irritates me to spend it in this condition. But there is coming a vacation in three weeks, it cheers me up a trifle of. 
Here are outfit pictures which we took already a while ago. Once again the great outfit for autumn. I haven't got bored with asymmetrical lines yet though I've worn them for long. I find it only a positive side if the taste doesn't change too often. For this fall I've not bought anything new.

sunnuntai 13. syyskuuta 2015

An outfit for autumn

A sore throat has been a friend of mine for these past days. The mind would like to wrap around the rug, but obligations compels to get up. Irritating tiredness steals the ability to concentrate on things. Hope this goes quickly over. I haven't tried a vampire drove yet, but if this state of affairs continues I perhaps need to give it a try. 

My Friday's attire:
All my current favorite items come together in this look. Wedges, hat, fringe bag and asymmetrical bat sleeve knitting. They all fit so well for the fall. The hat is just a bit challenging to wear when it's been windy weather. 
I'm quite much waiting for the next weekend when I finally have it free. The free weekends are rare delicacy nowadays.

tiistai 8. syyskuuta 2015

When blood stops running you will be free of this all

On Monday I wanted to start the week by dressing something trad goth on and here it is how it turned:
A shirt is from Queen of Darkness' collection and it has become one of my favorite shirt recently. Someone asked earlier that does it be sensitive material, but I haven't managed to make any extra hole to it yet although I have worn it a lot. Once my hairband got stuck it, but I managed to get it off. A hat is perfect accessory for autumn and I have seen many people wearing this kind of hats here in Finland now. Seems to be a trend. It's also the great summer item if you want to avoid the sun. Quite simple and comfy outfit as I like to dress nowadays. 
 My week started nicely although I feel to be a bit lost in between times. I live through different times right now and many things are about to change. Perhaps sometimes it's good to take a risk and try something new which isn't so natural to you. Stepping outside of your comfort zone can offer the new possibilities. Or at least I wish it. 

sunnuntai 6. syyskuuta 2015

Press the eject and give me the tape

After two early mornings it's more as easy to hang out at home and listen to the recordings which are close to a heart and put on something cozy like this Poe top. (hehe, the print sill looks too much like Hitler)

Today I've been in a weird way diligent. After six hours at work I headed for the gym and after that  I cooked a pizza (what a great combination: gym and pizza). In addition to that I cleaned the home, painted the table and dyed the hair and now I'm like a walking zombie who needs a day off. Lucky thing is that I have the day off on Thursday so I'm waiting for it. Before it there is three lecture days to go, but I guess I 'll figure them out. I hope you all had a nice weekend and maybe a bit more easy-going as I had. 

perjantai 4. syyskuuta 2015

The end of the summer

A week ago it was the last weekend of August and there were celebrated the end of the summer. I paid a visit to the downtown to see fireworks, but I had no energy to leave for instance to the bar tour which would have been nice. August turned to September and the fall is officially here.  I like. Like most of you probably know the autumn is my favorite season. Darkness falls and the leaves drift by the windows. The nature dies to be born again. 

During this week I have tried to settle in better and the flat feels already like home. There is still quite much to arrange although all essential goods start to be in their place. The week has been fairly hectic when I have tried to become familiar with the new studies and there has been everyday things to do. Weekend goes again at the work so no time to rest which would be more as welcome. 
I took a few pictures from my new home. Just some small details, but anyway :)
New sheets which I wanted to buy for the new home. 

Hope you all have a good weekend, I continue watching of Son's of anarchy ;)